It is with profound sadness, but immeasurable gratitude, that I have to announce that DiveIn is shutting down.
Creating and running this company meant many things to me. It was an outlet for activism, a way to connect with like-minded people, a way to connect with my community, and it taught me the greatest lessons I could ever learn.
What is important to me now is that no one comes away from DiveIn believing we failed in our mission. We wanted to create a space for volunteers, nonprofits, and people concerned with life’s greatest issues to find a place where they felt empowered. While the company will cease to exist, our passion for bettering the world continues. Our country is in more need of kindhearted and empathetic people than perhaps ever before. I can’t describe how humbled I feel that I had the opportunity to witness and speak to so many organizations and people who sacrificed their time, money, and resources to helping others and our planet.
Everything I’ve learned from DiveIn, I will take with me. The compassion, empathy, and passion will continue. I’ve made the decision to continue my formal education in the hopes that when the time is right, I will have all the tools I need to make my next venture as impactful as possible.
To the people I worked with, in particular my partner-in-crime Shannon, I’m so grateful for all the time and energy you put into manifesting DiveIn through its many phases. To Vic, Lou, Eric, Lili, Jonathan, Lynn, Chann, David, Cedric, our incredible investors, the folks at Xmartlabs, and so many others, thank you for your hard work and belief in our vision,
For everyone else who’s supported me over the years, I can’t describe how much I appreciate your belief in me.
Finally, to the volunteers, keep fighting the good fight. I’m besides you the whole time.
It’s been the honor of my life to have the opportunity to create DiveIn. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With ♥,